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School Integration

Page history last edited by blair_brown@hks10.harvard.edu 14 years, 10 months ago

The Current Education Reform Debate


Education Reform Organizations: We refer to the following education reform organizations in our paper. You can find more information on their websites below:


Broader/Bolder Coalition: http://www.boldapproach.org

Education Equality Project: http://www.educationequality.org

Democrats for Education Reform: http://www.dfer.org

Partnership for 21st Century Skills: http://www.21stcenturyskills.org


Current Discussion of School Integration: As noted in the introduction and throughout the paper, the current education reform discussion at the federal level does not include mention of integrating schools. US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan's recent appearance on "Meet the Press" highlights this as he discusses the Obama Administration Education Agenda as do Richard Kahlenberg's notes from a November 2009 conference on school integration where top USDOE officials spoke about the reauthorization of ESEA  and where school integration might fit into that.


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