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Section 3:     Contemporary Politics of Teacher Certification in Massachusetts

Page history last edited by Judina chua 14 years, 10 months ago



Contemporary Politics of Teacher Certification in Massachusetts




The Opportunities for Change Today

Find out about the ways by which the U.S., particularly Massachusetts, is in an opportune time to change the initial certification process.


Dissention about the Current Certification Process


Find out about how the existing standards for initial certification in Massachusetts do not sufficiently necessitate a way to find quality teachers.


Debate about the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL)


Find out about the debate surrounding the MTEL, the mandatory examinations for teacher candidates; the two major groups involved in this debate are the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) and the Center for School Reform. 


Problem with MTEL: Issues with Race


Find out about why the MTEL is under scrutiny by the Massachusetts State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, especially in response to issues that deal with race. 


Contemporary Responses to the MTEL


Find out more about some of the contemporary responses (also discussed in section two) to the MTEL.




Here are some concluding thoughts about the current politics of teacher certification in Massachusetts.


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